Didn't make it to nearest town due to a)missing bus and b)heart-wrenching yowling of a certain Ginger Nut!!
So, we toddles up to 'nearest for miles and overpriced local shop'. (Once you've walked half a mile the yowling decibels fade so you can hold a conversation). En-route, we got way-laid and decided to visit the allotment...to see what had occurred during the last few days re dodgy weather.
My brassicas are holding up. Yay!!! Mind you, the old rabbit run that encloses my fart-inducing babies was not. Soooo, we fixes that. Shallots are coming up and the grass is still down. Anyway, after rejigging the brassica nursery we plods off to our local overpriced shop. Before we can get out of the allotment gates we bump into two fellow allotmenteers, who comment, kindly, that 'Cor, blimey' our plot has been whipped into shape, hurrah... and don't take any notice of the allotment bullies. Yay...I am no longer Billy No-Mates...I have friends:o)) And one is a TEACHER!! Yikes!! So, after lots of tips and hints...... and gossiping...Junior and I continue with our trek and, at last, reach the shop. We are ably assisted by Mother's posh but squashed shopping trolley"o) No plastic bags for us.....we are green shoppers:o)
Twenty minutes later and £51.20 lighter.. we stagger out of overpriced shop!! "This should last us forever" says a beaming Junior....armed with bags of Skittles, Minstrels and the latest tv guides. Hmmm. Smart buy, considering we don't have a tv licence and, hence, don't watch tv. But Junior likes to be 'in the know'.
Anyway...gets home. Ginger Nut was sat on the front room window sill, waiting for us and yowling to her heart's content. I can just hear the neighbours tut tutting. Maybe Ginger Nut doesn't have anxiety separation issues but is protesting? She is used, you see, to being hand fed Tescos "hot out of the oven" chicken...and so I think she might be taking umbrage at being fed Bakers Complete!! She stuck her nose up at Tescos finest dog food, so Bakers Complete it is, Matey!! All the other animals have tucked in and are asleep...probably on my bed. Ginger Nut is still holding out for freshly cooked chicken so is ignoring what's actually on offer and has sneaked onto my eBay bargain armchair...giving me 'the look'!!
Anyway, human bellies are now full of vego pizza and salad. but I need something sweet. All that healthy fruit we have does not fill the spot, so..chocolate it is:o))...ok...Milky Way Magic Stars to be precise. I am weak, I know!!! And just to put me in my place, the heavens opened....very snitchily and silently I might add...and now my was nearly dried washing is not. Who cares...still have a Crunchie somewhere:o)) The fruit is being saved for tomorrow's juicing episode!!
i wish i could have written that line 'My brassicas are holding up'. and hope we do not get any more rude thunderstorms now which knock everything back down.
Why, thank you, Grit:o)) I do so try to keep this blog clean:o)) lol
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