Saturday, 31 May 2008


Despite my best efforts,  I live in a house of ill repute!!

It's a feline one, though.  

Olive looks like a tri-coloured malteser.  Stays around the house more.  Still growls like a dog when strangers come near, though.   Reckon she's due soon.  Put it this way...she can't see her feet!   Mother thinks four...I don't care as long as they are ALL ok. 

Today we (ok, mainly Junior) have been propagating lavender cuttings...about 300 of them.  Wonder if that'll be enough for the borders on the allotment?  Want my plot to look and smell nice.  Some of the other allotmenteers have taken delivery of humungous piles of cow and horse poo.  I know they say it's all good stuff, but not for me.  I have enough crap in  my life.

Our garden still seems to be Snail Central.  The little tinkers get everywhere!   They've been re-homed onto some common land, which is the kinder option, before they find my courgette plantlings.  How people can eat these creatures is beyond me.  Uuugh!  My great niece has an African land snail called Lee.  It's a sweet thing, apparently:o)

We sat outside this morning, seeing as we had lovely  weather.  Even put a tablecloth of sorts on the patio table, garden parasol up..and we ate pancakes in the sunshine.  Very nice.  Not quite Cath Kidston though.    Had the token pile of reading matter..namely tv guide, BBC science mag and my Stitch.  In the BBC mag, there's an article on skyscrapers and how fashionably tall they're getting...latest one a MILE HIGH!!   Eeeek!  Not for me, matey.  Apparently, it will take four months just to clean the windows!  Typically, Junior... being more the creative type, was interested in the Stitch mag..and wants to embark on a project..a beaded diva brooch.  We have the beads, wonder if she has the staying power? 

Seeing as iMac is playing up and we can't watch iPlayer (it won't load the programme we want to watch)  we've resorted to viewing our not so up to date DVD collection.  So tonight we are watching 'Christmas with the Kranks'...Junior's choice!  I love the botox and sunbed scenes.  Very funny.  Anyway...  Joy to all:o))

Thursday, 29 May 2008


We wanted to go hunter-gathering today...aka shopping.   

Didn't make it to nearest town due to  a)missing bus and b)heart-wrenching yowling of a certain Ginger Nut!!

So, we toddles up to 'nearest for miles and  overpriced local shop'.   (Once you've walked half a mile the yowling decibels fade so you can hold a conversation).  En-route, we got way-laid and decided to visit the see what had occurred during the last few days re dodgy weather.

My brassicas are holding up.  Yay!!!  Mind you, the old rabbit run that encloses my fart-inducing babies was not.  Soooo, we fixes that.  Shallots are coming up and the grass is still down.  Anyway, after rejigging the brassica nursery we plods off to our local overpriced shop.  Before we can get out of the allotment gates we bump into two fellow allotmenteers, who comment, kindly, that 'Cor, blimey'  our plot has been whipped into shape, hurrah... and don't take any notice of the allotment bullies.  Yay...I am no longer Billy No-Mates...I have friends:o))  And one is a TEACHER!!  Yikes!!  So, after lots of tips and hints...... and gossiping...Junior and I continue with our trek and, at last, reach the shop.  We are ably assisted by Mother's posh but squashed shopping trolley"o)  No plastic bags for us.....we are green shoppers:o)

Twenty minutes later and £51.20 lighter.. we stagger out of overpriced shop!!  "This should last us forever" says a beaming Junior....armed with bags of Skittles, Minstrels and the latest tv guides.  Hmmm.  Smart buy, considering we don't have a tv licence and, hence, don't watch tv.  But Junior likes to be 'in the know'.

Anyway...gets home.  Ginger Nut was sat on the front room window sill, waiting for us and yowling to her heart's content.  I can just hear the neighbours tut tutting.   Maybe Ginger Nut doesn't have anxiety separation issues but is protesting?  She is used, you see, to being hand fed Tescos "hot out of the oven" chicken...and so I think she might be taking umbrage at being fed Bakers Complete!!  She stuck her nose up at Tescos finest dog food, so Bakers Complete it is, Matey!!   All the other animals have tucked in and are asleep...probably on my bed.  Ginger Nut is still holding out for freshly cooked chicken so is ignoring what's actually on offer and has sneaked onto my eBay bargain me 'the look'!! 

Anyway, human bellies are now full of vego pizza and salad. but I need something sweet.  All that healthy fruit we have does not fill the spot, so..chocolate it is:o))...ok...Milky Way Magic Stars to be precise.  I am weak, I know!!!  And just to put me in my place, the heavens opened....very snitchily and silently I might add...and now my was nearly dried washing is not.  Who cares...still have a Crunchie somewhere:o))  The fruit is being saved for tomorrow's juicing episode!!  


Plasters aren't enough

Am pooped!!

Walking up and down to Mother's twice a day, in the rain,  with nutty dog in tow is hard work.  Ginger Nut is still with us.  I may have found her a new home:o)..although she has predictably  taken a shine to me; we're a bit like 'Me and my shadow!' at the mo.  Never leaves my side and is wrapped round my feet as I type..which is very handy if my feet are cold.  She has never been left on her own and so howls for England if you attempt to leave the house without her,  so she has a bucketful of doggy counselling coming her way!!

Mother is recovering.  For the gross details...look away now!  

She was changing a dressing from her fall and the by now tiny, tiny wound decided to explode and squirt the old red stuff EVERYWHERE.  She couldn't stop the bleeding, hence the ambulance guys and doctor.  They think it was a burst vessel.   So, she's resting...still muttering that the end is nigh and all that.  Sigh.

The doctor who treated her was really lovely and caring.   Told her to "get a decent GP"!  Think he is obviously hinting that she should change GP's as the one she has is crap.  Should've looked after her a bit more, especially after a fall and gotten a nurse to change dressings.  I tend to agree with him.  The more time I spend around the elderly, the more annoyed I get as to how some are left to cope when they are too vulnerable or weak...or ill.

Anyway, I'm looking at a sea of eyes and heart is sinking at the thought of having to rehome some of them.  Which ones?  They all have lovely, different personalities and quirks.  Would it be too much for Mother to live with this lot.  Or, maybe not?  Perhaps it would give her something to do, something/one to care for/ nag at again.  She is lonely.  Perhaps my beasties will rid her of such feelings and share the lurve!!

This morning we were faced with a breakfast dilemma.  Not much fresh food in the house due to weekend visitors.  Worse still.....  no teabags!  Well, that isn't strictly true.  We have teabags, but of the Darjeeling type.  Not my cuppa tea!!  Not much milk either, so pancakes are out.  Junior pipes up that she would like to juice some of our fruit.  So, onwards.  She wants orange juice.  Out with the Jack le Lanne juicer, brushes dust off and away we go.  This is a biggish juicer and you are supposed to be able to put big bits of fruit n veg in, sometimes not even having to cut them down.  So, we do the oranges.  Lovely smell and colour.  Eager little fingers grab the glass and  J proceeds to sip away:o))    Uh oh...face not happy.  Apparently, you can taste the skin and pith.  Bugger!!  So, I tries it and...yes...'tis true.  Slaps forehead...why didn't I peel the fruit?  Of course it's going to taste like that...plonker!   She suggests putting a drop of sugar in.  Ok.  Sips again.  Gah!  Can't taste the orange for the skin.  Soooo, what to do with it?  The 'waste not want not, consumption rebel' in me is not putting it down the sink.   Recipe books are out and we are looking!!!...maybe for a vego version of Chicken a l'Orange.  Maybe orange muffins.  Shall see.

Why are juicers such a pain to wash after use?

I made myself a carrot, apple and ginger juice.  Overdid it with the ginger somewhat, but at least it's cleared the old sinuses!!!  Haven't posted pics up of these as I'm sure you can imagine what a glass of juice looks like:o)  lol

Junior is watching Lost in Translation.   Has said that she would like to learn about all things Japanese.  She sort of mentioned it a while back but never pushed it.  French took over for a while (was easier to find French language course) and I think my version of sushi put her off!   So, we are on with it.     

Well....I'm surveying the scene.  Housework neglected, yet again, for the more important things in life.  What to do..housework or hunter-gathering ...aka food shopping?    Ah...grub wins every time:o))

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Mum and Pets

Sorry for shell-shocked post.

I have just had a phone call from a paramedic who is at my mother's flat.

Turns out that the fall she had last week is still haunting her.  She injured her calf at the front and it was cut open.  It was a bit of a mess and the doctor, when we went to visit, didn't seem too bothered!!  I thought it was healing.  Anyway, tonight, Mother decided to take the plaster off to clean the wound and the wound bled.... a lot....hence paramedics out.  She is ok and being sorted out.  Leg is elevated, etc.

So, enough farting about.  She has to come and live here.  Can't be doing with strangers ringing me in the middle of the night saying she is ill but she's ok.  Mother keeps telling me that she is near the end and I keep telling her to stop being so stupid!!      Major declutter about to commence to accommodate her stuff!!

And this dozy Government is trying to force lone parents back to work, irrespective of what caring/educational, etc duties they have.  Madness.  Being a lone parent/carer does not automatically mean you are a parasite.  Far from it.  We save the taxpayers an absolute fortune.

Before I got the call I took piccies of some of the pets chilling out.

They like the stairs, for some reason.  They can see what's going on.  Sorry for the cricked neck!!

Olive chilling on expensive slub sofa
GingerNut (here on "in season" vacation)...obviously used to the pampered life...and Cilla..posing
Popeye...keeping an eye on the pooches:o))..looking bleary eyed, though!!

Monday, 26 May 2008

Nice Weekend, Proud Auntie, Mum and Rehoming

Rosie spears win

Winner: Rosie Semenytsh
Winner: Rosie

FORMER Halifax woman Rosie  won the javelin event at the Loughborough international competition.
Rosie, ranked fourth in the UK, threw 47.35 metres to beat athletes representing England, Scotland, Wales, GB Juniors and British Universities.

Although she could have competed for the British Universities Team, Rosie chose to compete for her own university of Loughborough.

The former Junior School pupil was following up a win at the British University Championships.

Rosie used to be a member of the H Sports Acro Squad and after moving to Berkshire she continued with her gymnastics until the age of 13, when she moved into athletics, specialising in javelin. 

She throws for the Windsor, Slough, Eton and Hounslow club and the South of England, as well as Loughborough University, where she is studying Physics and Sports Science.
Good write-up, eh?  Junior and Rosie are physically alike. Peas in a pod, type of thing.  They even have the maths thing in common.  

Maybe my little madam is a future champion of sorts?

On the 'not so glamorous front'...

Had a nice birthday weekend here.  The boys came up and helped sort out the allotment for 'me birfday'!!  And...they brought along extra muscle, in the name of Aaron, Neil and some other halves:o))

Son no 2 hired a strimmer and worked away for hours to get the grass down from waist height to something more like a lawn!!  Son no 2 went out and got a grass rake and a mallet for the fencing posts.  What more could a girl wish for as a pressie in these circumstances, seeing as my gardening tools have been nicked from the plot.

The lads were toiling away on the allotment...under the spyful eye of the miserable old so and so's who are trying to boot me off and turn my plot into a ploughed field.    Turns out that the boys are so irate about the allotment politics that they are coming up again to lend a hand and stick up for their mate's mum.  Yay!!!!!  This old bird has still got it....although I suspect it's more to do with culinary skills than svelte figure and Facebook wit  :o))) Got treated to pizza takeaway and wine on birthday evening.   They had vego chilli wraps, etc this dinner time and never noticed that it was meat free!  Lol

I will try and get some allotment piccies up soon.  I'm in the process of summoning up courage to ask my allotment mate if she will let me house a couple of rescue hens on her plot.  I can't on mine....."depends on who you are and who you know" politics...and they're saying NO at the mo, but I'll nag away!!  grrrr!  I'll get me own way, by hook or by crook.  Any suggestions for names?

On the puppy rehoming front.....4 down..3 to go.

I have to say that they are REALLY pretty pups...and the last three are so LITTLE:o)

No..No...don't let me keep one!!!!  Tiniest one is the size of a small cat.  She's nick-named she tends to get under the feet.

Mother is coming up tommorow.  Planting up my flower pots as part of birthday pressie.  I'm not trying it on with the "elderly slave labour"'s just Mother.  She misses pottering about in a garden, so she's taken it upon herself to "sort this one out".  Bless her:o)  Beats sitting in a flat all day, alone.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Huffing and Puffing

I have decided!!!     Junior and I are embarking on a new healthy regime.    I have just seen a photo of myself at a home ed meet, pictured from behind.  Sigh.......

We live in hill billy land and, after a while,  you tend to get fed up of walking everywhere.    No chance of respite from this as we are as poor as church mice and can't afford a car.  But we have wheels!!  Yippeeeee!!!     We have a couple of bikes in the garage so I shall attempt to oik them out asap.  They are currently stored behind countless piles of garage rubbish, so it may take a while to extract them.  They probably have flat tyres and no brakes to speak of as it is so long since they were in use.   So, in the meantime, shall drill Junior in the art of road sense, especially as she was nearly flattened by a learner motorcyclist the other day!!

We will need safety equipment, mainly helmets.  Wonder if they do them in jumbo size?   You see, hats/head gear never fit me.  When I try them on in shops they just look like a pea on a drum, so to speak.  I wonder if I'll find a trendy helmet to fit?   Probably not.  No doubt I'll end up with this huge thing and will end up resembling a podgy belisha beacon!! 

I used to cycle to work in a former life.  7 mile round trip each day.  I was usually late setting off in a morning.  Pedalled like billyo and arrived at work, 2 minutes to spare,  dripping with sweat.  Not ideal when you work in a bank!!  I soon became as fit as a butcher's dog, though.

I never chuck stuff out and have found a puncture repair kit that I knew I had but didn't know where!!  Talk about being organised!!  yay!! 

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Sweet or What?

My sister has had a canine population explosion, again!!!!.... so I have been trying to help her home some puppies.  

She has problems letting them go incase they go to what might turn out to be bad, at the mo, she has lots of pooches......mmmmmm......about 14!!  She drives me mad sometimes, with her indecision and stalling...arghhhh!!

So, today, I homed one named Doodles...and another is to be picked up this week.  They're so cute, I could keep them all...except, of course, I can't and it wouldn't be fair to the animals.  They shouldn't have to compete for love and attention.

People nowadays just seem to want cute and little and these pups are a bit on the minging side to look at but they are SO LOVELY character-wise.  Makes my heart break to think that people go on the looks.  Anyway, hopefully, we will find them all lovely homes...and for a few of the older dogs that she has, too. 

What I'm trying to convey I suppose is that we all want love and a secure home...and domestic animals are no different and nor, I suppose, are many wild animals.  Don't just go on the looks when you are looking to home a pet...go deeper...look into the eyes:o)  

Two cute girls..and they have been turned down by people who can't see their inner beauty.

Just wanting a hug

A little bit frightened

Saturday, 17 May 2008

And there's more!!!

Puts bedsheets in tumble air off properly.  

Time up...takes out some bits...puts back quilt is still a little damp.

Switch on tumble dryer.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!!

Opens tumbler door to see what the problem is and................out staggers one black cat!!

Popeye is shaken but not stirred.   

And, yes...he is ok and still speaking to me:o))

Friday, 16 May 2008

Petrol and Nearly Mowed Down!

Yesterday we walked 2 miles to the nearest village around here with a petrol station.  We needed petrol for the mower so I can cut the jungle down on the allotment.  Walks 2 miles back, with can.  Quite heavy.    Anyway, to get back we have to negotiate a local trail...and cut across a field occupied by horses.  Now, I am not a horsey type of person.  Never had one as a not big enough.  lol   Anyway, this lovely but altogether frighteningly HUGE horse spots us and comes wandering over before we had chance to get a leg over the stile to t'uther end of the field.  We pet and talks to the thing, explained we had no food, but it would not budge!!  Arghhh...No way was I going to cross that field with Shergar nibbling at us.  Eventually, though, the animal realised we were not laden with consumable goodies, so off it went.  Junior and I hotfoots it across the field, back to the trail path.  Call me a wuss, I don't care!!

So, we eventually puts petrol in mower.  Starts it up and yay!!   it works:o)   Pushes the thing up to the allotment with visions of, after a few hours of toil, a nice tidy plot. went on strike.  blummin big I spent the next hour dead heading dandelions so they don't set seed on anyone else's plot, thus removing any potential blame from coming my way.  

Tomorrow, shall try and start mower up.  If it's still playing up expect to hear loud shrieking!!

Today, had to go sort out some red tape.  Left Junior with her gran.  They went on a little trip into town and were back by 11 am.  Anyway, I gets back to Mother's and finds her sat on chair, leg out...and Junior sat at table drinking Jersey milk.   They are both in shock!!   

It transpires that Mother blacked out in town, while crossing at traffic lights near Tescos and fell on her shopping trolley (which is now structurally altered).  She cut her leg open and banged her knees and elbow.  People stopped and helped her, but she insisted she was ok, even though her cut leg was sprouting a lot of the red stuff.  Then, if that wasn't enough....when they gets off the bus back at Mother's they stopped at the zebra crossing.  Car stopped to let them across and then  this bloody maniac on a moped whizzed past the car and nearly mowed down Junior, who was on the crossing by then.  He didn't stop, just zoomed across at speed, never looking back.  So, someone up there was looking after my two girlies today:o)  (Mother reckons it's their Guardian Angels.  If not for them, it could have been really nasty. 
I'm going to report it to the cops.  Maniacs like that shouldn't be allowed on the roads.

Mother is now under strict instructions not to move from that flat without me!!  From now on, she's chaperoned.  Better safe than sorry.

They say it comes in threes but nah, the more the better in this house.   Popeye, bless him, has 'perfumed' my front room.  Payback, I suppose, for having his crown jewels removed!!  I've threatened to kill him if he started with this game, but I reckon he likes to live dangerously!!

So, I am warning any potential visitors..bring gas masks!!

Glass of red wine tonight, me thinks! 

Home ed today was.....comprehension and spelling...and she's  still plonking away at the ELC organ...and maths!!     

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men

You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008


Been decluttering.  Don't all faint at once:o))  lol

Bloke came to the door at the weekend and asked to buy our 'been stationary too long and can't afford to run them anyway' cars.    Deal done.  We now have a nice, spacious (but boring) front bit.  Mother has plans for this...a la potted flowers, etc.

So, from Saturday the cars were no longer mine, as the bloke paid there and then.  Today, he collected his papaps.  Had to smash the windows, though, to get his grabbing chain in so he could lift the cars onto his truck.  Next doors don't seem too pleased, but that was not of my doing.  The car bloke swept up next doors bit, but neighbour slammed about a bit.  At least his mess was cleared up for him.  My shed is only just recovering from being flooded out by his swimming pool water!!

Bye bye car!

I used the cars as a 'storage facility'. lol books and other bits. Junior discovered her old ELC organ and insisted that she has it back. Been plonking away at her tunes and chords all afternoon. Bless.

Been at Geography today. Equator, Tropics, hemispheres, climates, etc. Asked what she wanted to do next? You guessed.....maths!!! lol

Saturday, 10 May 2008


Be warned.  I'm moaning.. fed up/peed off with un-neighbourly antics.  Sorry. 

Been gardening this weekend.  Mother came up and spent some time with us.  She's lonely in this warden-aided complex that she's at.   The other 'inmates' aren't really so friendly.  I suppose they have their routines and friendships.,etc.  She's ill and feels that she's about ready for the knacker's yard.  Spent a considerable time telling her that this was not so but, still, you worry.   Especially when they have to take a dozen tablets each day to keep motoring on!!  78 and she can still dig out nettles!!!

Anyway, we have dug out a whole fence worth's of stuff.. mainly nettles and wild geraniums..which I kept to shelter our frogs and toad...and we found one!!!  Plus loads of snails and caterpillars.  We put the caterpillars to one side whilst we sorted out a little tank, so we could watch the process to butterfly/moth..but once we'd got it sorted the little buggers had wandered off!!  lol  Snails, we put in a pot in a bigger pot, etc.. but they wandered off too.  Maybe they knew that we were planning to take them up to the allotment for the ducks!!  Well, the frogs will get some of them, I suppose.  Actually, I like snails.  It's the antennas waving about that do it for me.  Like 'Cooeeee..hiya!!'  Plus, the don't bite!!  Not their fault they're slimey and uck!!  Pity they don't eat nettles.

We put in a bigger 'pond'  (big plastic storage box on wheels).  Dug it in, put lots of plants, bricks, logs, etc in...a real nice amphibian type place.  lol
Nettles. What a sacrifice we made. Didn't turn this into nettle soup!!

Our little snail recepticle!!

Some of The Gang.  It's like...'Bloody's hot out here!!'

Still yacking!!  Where's that shade?

Next doors were out in their garden, so it wasn't exactly peaceful...  But..hell..everyone is entitled to let off steam.  What I don't like is when your neighbour empties the watery contents of their 6ft swimming pool against your property when you are not looking!!.  We now have swamped borders and shed, so I suppose a talking to is now inevitable. Maybe I should just put our hosepipe in their shed and leave the tap on for a while?  We also had pop/bb gun bits flying over the fence this aft....just missed us, too.  At this point I flipped a bit.  Why do people allow their kids to play with guns?  Is it me?  Am I being a prat?  Junior is livid.   Child put their little pup in a 6 foot swimming pool with him...pup plainly not enjoying it...but spoilt one was...and parents allowed it.  There are ten rabbits in hutches in their garden..some stacked up.  The animals never regularly get let out for a romp.  No rabbit run for them to stretch their legs in, socialise and so they don't get to feel the sun on their backs either.   Honestly..feel like I'm going to explode!!   Tired of all the hassle.  I just want to move away asap.  If only:o)

Have taken to sleeping downstairs.  More chance of getting some kip.   Allelujiah!!   Walls are thicker down here you see.   Tonight's tv is? .............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  

Friday, 9 May 2008

Screaming Neighbours

I slept in my 'old' room and my old bed last night.

Junior has taken to migrating to mine of late.  Think it is the not feeling well thing.  She hates feeling yuk so takes comfort in diving in with moi and then kicking me HARD!! in her sleep!!!  Anyway, I skipped all that and she fell asleep in my room before I went up so, not wanting to disturb her (ha) nipped into hers for some peace and quiet:o)))  To be honest, I miss the space.  Long story why we swapped rooms.  Lots of people I know do this, too.  Swapping rooms, that is.

Anyway, I slept very well in my old bumpy, comfy bed.   Woke up this morning to the sound of next door mum screaming at 'spoilt child from hell".  She was telling's wrong...more like SCREAMING AT THE VERY, WALL SHAKING,TOP OF HER VOICE that she would 'f****** kill him' if he didn't do as he was told.  Nice to wake up to that sentiment, then!!!  Death threats....  It even woke up Junior.

Up early we were!!!   I was extremely cantankerous..plotting how to get the little sod back.  I'm still plotting!  lol   Maybe his mum could just sit on him!!   Anyway,  it's nearly 10pm and he's still at it.

Sigh......This and red tape.....urghhhhhhhhh!

So, today we got our mushroom kit going.  Come three weeks we should be picking them:o)  
Mushroom kit

Tomorrow we're mowing down the allotment grass to remove dandelions and docks before they produce seeds.  If I do this then no-one can blame me for infecting their plots with so called weeds. lol

Gratuitous photos!

Junior sorting out the doggie crate, making their bed more comfortable:o)  It was sunny so I booted them out into the fresh air!!  They, of course, wanted to come in and be near us.  Junior sat outside and did some work.  

Junior's birthday cake. Forgot to post. Her Auntie - my sis - sent this weeks before her birthday so we didn't dare eat it incase.... Wonder how long they keep for?  'Tis a lovely little thing.

Cilla posing.  She's such a nice dog.  Started to bark when she wants to come into the house from the garden.  

Molly smiling..sort of:o)  She just gets in and out through the cat flap.   She's Cilla's mum.  Funny looking jack russell's aren't they?  lol

Junior bedded downstairs...playing on the Xbox with Spooky curled up at her side.. sort of:o) This is bad-tempered, cantankerous Spooky I am speaking of. Anything for a comfy bed lol  Spook is behind Junior...bottom right.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Tap Tap

Red tape is sooooooooooooo doing my head in.  I understand why bridges are so popular!!!  lol 

Wish I could do a H Potter and just up everyone I love and go somewhere nice and normal:o) And take me poochies and mogs, too:o))

Anyway, been out and about with Mother today.  She is not well.  Need good vibes for this, an all!!  Dodgy test result...have to wait for more.  It's stressing her out a bit so I do my best to cheer her up.  Doesn't help when sis (unaware of this little nugget of info) rings up and informs her that someone else from our past has departed this earth.   Mother is a real stickler for wanting to know who, from our home town, has she can pay her respects.  I think that's proper nice.  This time it was little bro's Godmum.  From memory, she was nice.  She smiled alot.  Another WW2 refugee.

On the Junior front.. she has not felt well of late.  Tummy ache, toothache and today, is FAR too hot for our liking.  She collided with a friend last week and it's knocked her teeth at one side...these being baby teeth with the big uns waiting to appear.  Baby ones are starting to wobble, so the process is on.  We are keeping the Calpol people in business!!

Popeye is ok.  Liking his kip at the mo but, give it a few days and he'll be back to his lovely, playful self.  Until then, he's lording it in the front bedroom, away from all temptations:o))

I have no photos to show today.  What a misery am I!!!   Grumpy old woman time AND I've started to tap my fingers.  Arghhh....blinkin irritating habit.  I'm definiteley old!!!!  

It's the red tape.....mutter, mutter.....

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Potting, Mad Weather and Popeye's Lost Treasures.

Been setting seeds today.  I know that we are about 6 weeks late, but you never know..British weather all cocked-up as it is, maybe we will get some little plantlings to put on the allotment.

The goodies!!

Junior's allotment/gardening diary

This activity is straight forward, isn't it?  But, how come we always end up with stuff all over?   Potting compost seems to migrate everywhere.  All over patio..gets walked into the house...sigh....  Would be much easier if we had a greenhouse.....and now we have!!!!   Woo Hoo.   Up on the allotment, that is and it has some glass missing...thanks to the earthquake rumblings that we had a few  months ago, but still it's a greenhouse:o)  My mate has let me have one of hers.  Us girlies stick together:o)  Yay!!  She gets hassle too, from the old boys, so we give as good as we get nowadays.

Must remember to go see Organic Walt, the 70yr young allotment association sales person/wheeler dealer today, to make sure that the 90 beetroot plantings I ordered a while back are still mine when the time comes and haven't been commandered by 'them 'tuthers' who didn't have the foresight to put an order in when they should have.  90 beetroot plantlings = fairly big bed = wants clearing and digging!  Can feel that aching back already.  lol  Organic Walt has a mischievous streak and has a habit of teasing me, saying that I have 'ages' yet before any plantings I may have ordered need to go in the plot. "Four weeks?" I'll ask.  He'll nod and then two weeks later tell me that they really need to go in now!!   Anyway, apparently I have at least three weeks before these will be that from another source:o))  

Junior and I have dug out another bed and put shallots in.  Pea and bean beds next.  J's favourite:o)  Scarecrow will go up soon.    Think she is appreciating how hard it is, this allotmenteering/veg/fruit growing.  Apart from knowing where her food comes from, I want her to understand how hard the little people in this business work and that they should, therefore, be given a fair price for their produce.  Fair profits for all!!  Little business v big supermarket, good quality v mass produced, etc.  So we're going to do a project on our veg growing.  Treat it like a business and see what profit we can make if we actually sold the stuff (we're not going to) just to experience how difficult it is to make a living.    She's enjoying it, anyway.   I reckon that she'll still want to run a refuge centre for animals and have a craft and jewellery business when she's older, though:o)  

The Changed Man!

This morning..early start.... we took Popeye to the vets.  He's come back a changed cat:o))  So, lots of tlc for a bit....and no smelly, oinky male odours or chance of std:o))  Took him via the bus....and he weighs a ton for such a sleek animal!  It gave me a workout, anyway, carrying him plus it's been so hot today.  Too hot.  Where's Alaskan weather when you need it?  lol    Anyway, he's recuperating upstairs and is obviously a little wobbly.  He seems to bear me no ill at the moment.  Vet nurse told me how they remove the little 'treasures'.  Winced as she told me.  All that through a tiny incision.   No wonder he's swollen....  And no stitches.   Eeeew!   Poor little fella.

Molly sunbathing.  She looks proper evil on this pic, but she's actually very sleepy 'cos I made her sit up and she wanted to snooze in the sun.  Last time I believe my sister when she asks me if I'd like a little jack russell puppy!!

Monday, 5 May 2008

The Food Chain - The Tale of Mighty Mouse

Fell asleep on the sofa yesterday, so stayed there all night:o))  It's a huge sofa and VERY comfy.  I love velvet but it's a sod to hoover any bits off.  The cats have taken a shine to it but it's MINE!!!!  lol

Anyway,  shy cat Muppet actually came in last night and kept herself within viewing range.  After eleven years she still won't come to me voluntarily.  'Tis the feral in her...sigh.   If you can manage to pick her up, she curls up into a ball. 
Muppet with Olive

Well, after a while she took to guarding a writing table by the window.  She had spotted something.  I thought it was probably a spider or the like, so drifted back off to sleep.  In and out of my comatose state I spotted her prey and it ickle baby mouse!!   Eeeeeeek!!   What to do?  I don't want to hear piercing screams of an animal in the throes of being eaten alive, so rolls off sofa and scans room for a suitable receptacle to put over mouse.  I do this and now Mighty Mouse is living in Junior's pencil/crayon container..a candy floss bucket in a former life.  It has all manner of mouse luxuries, like a posh teacup & saucer eggcup for water, polyroll and grass for bedding, biscuits and seeds for nosh.  He/she tried perching on the eggcup but eventually fell off when he/she fell asleep!!   Aw!!

Shows how tiny Mighty Mouse is. The eggcup itself is small for an eggcup!

I suspect that one of the younger mogs brought Mighty Mouse in and it escaped as they don't yet have a killer instinct.  The best they do at the mo is jump up and try to catch midges...which they never manage.   Or.... M Mouse has sussed out how to use the cat flat.. in which case I'm in the poo 'cos just imagine if the rest of the local mouse population knows how to use a cat flap, too.  Eeeek!!  

Hope the little mite makes it so we can set it free....away in a suitable mog-free zone.  I reckon it's only a few weeks old.   Maybe it's too young to survive anyway but if I put it back outside it'll die for sure, especially with the crap weather and, as they say, we're all God's creatures and it deserves to live as much as anyone else.   Can't keep it in a candy floss bucket forever so, until it's well enough Mighty Mouse is going in here!!!!    

Shall  obviously remove fish equipment and kit it out into a proper mouse space.. with a few twigs and the like for it to climb about on.    Just hope the mogs don't 'invite' Mighty Mouse's brothers and sisters, too..although there's plenty of room at the inn!!  Junior, of course, wants to add M Mouse to our pet collection:o)  Errrr...that's a NO!!!  I say, be good and kind, just don't be stupid:o)

Stop sniggering!!! You might come back as a mouse one day!!! lol

PS. 8.30pm.  Sadly, Mighty Mouse didn't make it.  So much for my nursing capabilities:o(

Sunday, 4 May 2008

No New Shoes

Had a house full of family this weekend for Junior's birthday.    We weren't landed upon mob-handed as such, but had a steady flow of visitors.  It's nice to see family and friends AND have enough time to have a proper natter.   Son no 2's other half looks fit to burst and is quite tired now.  We've a feeling that little grandchild may make an earlier than anticipated appearance.  
  Conversation got on to nappies and their contents.  Ahhh, the memories!!  Lol.   Son no 2 wanted to strim the allotment but we were rained off, as per usual!!  

Happy Smiley Faces:o) Junior is into wearing her new dressing gown at any time of the day. It's soft and snuggly:o)  The cat she is cuddling is Megan.  She always unceremoniously sticks her back legs out like that.....little quirk.  Popeye lays at my feet, all pooch-like and Olive ALWAYS sticks her tail up a la Basil Bog Brush.

Junior had some nice pressies and enjoyed her shopping day, too.  Purchased lots of little bits she had her eye on.  She wanted some nice shoes but we're finding it impossible to find anything reasonably priced and trendy that fits.    She has narrow feet.  Anyway, next shopping expedition is next week so, hopefully, we should find something as we are going to a major city this time:o))

Last of the visitors went late this aft and I had a little sit down and relax....and fell sleep.  lol  Dd made full use of this and watched her favourites on the iPlayer.  She's now practising dance moves to her new Madonna cd.  She's not into lyrics, just the beat.

Fred n Wilma budgies are now living by the seaside, not a cat in sight and chirruping happily away.  As I was putting Fred into his travelling box he did manage to give me one final nip with the killer beak!!   Payback, perhaps, for having been stalked by mogs.

We're still on with the maths sheets.   No letup just because of a birthday!!    I'm still not forcing work on Junior.  It's all autonomous so I'm printing them off at her request and she's doing them:O))  What I've noticed is that she's pacing herself.  Don't care how long it takes her to grasp things, as long as she does eventually understand and enjoys herself.

Red tape is still haunting me.   That black cloud of s*** just follows me around. No let up.   Feel it's getting a bit vindictive now.  Don't know how some people sleep at night.  Well, as they say, 'What goes around comes around'.  When it does, they'll get no sympathy from me.

Anyway, me Hearties...hope you have a nice bank holiday:o))

Friday, 2 May 2008

Dodgy politics and come-uppances

Well, I'm on a rant, sorry.

I'm on about the tosh that the ptb are trolling re forcing single parents back to work, leaving vulnerable kids (and the elderly) to fend for themselves.  Arghhh.  The ptb have s**t for brains.

I home ed Junior and look after an elderly parent. We also have a really, really snotty council and get loads of aggro re housing ben and ct ben.  They think nothing of sending heavies to the door.    Can't claim anything for Mother to make her life easier because she virtually has to be dying for us to get anything.  She is still quite ill, though but that doesn't count.  Some thanks, then, for all she contributed in WW2 time to help ensure our freedoms remain.

Make no wonder people chuck themselves off bridges.  Bloody politicians.

Spent this morning listening to the local radio about the council election results.  OK.  Labour lost.   Serves then right.  They ought to have listened to the people.  They've stopped listening/have selective hearing.  Wonder if any of these ex councillors are single parents?

Hate, hate politics.  Think it's now taken over from football.  Yuk!!


On the home front....:o)))

Came back from Mother's and Junior and I had a 'clean up the garden" splurge.  Foghorn kid  from next door was out, so it was virtually impossible to hear yourself think..  But, anyway, we managed to clean it up a bit.  J is into scrubbing the paving slabs clean...with a yard brush I might add.    Strange, I know.   Shall have to borrow a power washer for that.    Anyway, come 9.30pm I'd had enough and called time on the proceedings.  All I can say is that there is a lot of outdoor and indoor tidying up to do tomorrow!!  Just look at the state of the kitchen floor!!!

Nice clean floor!!!!

About this weekend....'tis Junior's birthday.  She has a pile of pressies waiting to be opened and, most importantly to her, a pile of money to spend..some on retail therapy, the rest to save..hopefully:o)  First on the hit list is coconut oil spray from Bodyshop.  Then Lush...for honey soap.  After that...who knows!!  Have to bedeck the house in all things birthday and balloon while she is in the land of nod:o))  We have lots of family arriving over the weekend, just for her, which is nice as they will have travelled some distance.

And, talking of land of are my 'new' slippers.  Forgot I had them.  Was looking in my stash of trendy wedges/shoes that I'll never wear due to knackered feet and the like and found them.  I must have put them there for 'a rainy day':o)))  Or, maybe I put them in the 'right place' and just forgot it existed!!  lol   Furry kitten heels just don't hit the spot nowadays.  Comfort is all!!!!!  lol

Nice n comfy with flanalette pj's.  Lol