Friday, 27 July 2007

Mish Mash

Well, slap my hands for not blogging. There's me thinking when I started this that I'd blog every day... Doesn't life have a habit of oiking your best laid plans?

We haven't done much really. It's's the summer hols (hang on while I pee my pants at that... Summer ha ha!!!) and we have just sort of....relaxed. Junior and I have just enjoyed each others company. She's such a hoot to be around. Very funny, caring and she has a beautiful kind.. she loves her family, friends and pets. The kittens.....aaaahhhhh!! So cute and lovely personalities. The number of people who have come through our door and tried to walk out again with one under their coat:O) Can't blame 'em. They're venturing out into the garden now, mingling with the pooches and Syd; even the older cats seem ok with them. Favourite game at the mo is chasing and racing around the house and swinging on anything tht curtains, coats, etc...and then, after a while, they just.....conk out...peace:O)

Olive. about to conk out! .shall have to try and figure out the focus on the camera!!

Well, tonight I hate dogs!!! Why? Well, I bought a kit for a wood..Home Bargains, again...£2.99. Easy says, Putting things together jigsaw-wise is NOT my cup of tea. I'd be crap on the Krypton Factor (that'd make a good!!) But, ever the optimist, I purchased it. Anyway...been working for ages, trying to get the skull built...we gets there..eventually, apart from the jaw (mandible, I'll have you know;O) So, we are fedup and hungry and off we go to get a bite to eat and some shopping while we're at it. Stopped off at mate's house unnanounced (for far to long....sorry mate) We gets back and have happy, smiling poochies greeting us. All is lovely. Aaaahh! Gets into the kitchen to find half a skull.....chomped....murdered....... ARGHHHHH... It took us AGES to build that bit. Anyway. we'll soldier on and complete the build. Maybe if I knit a bonnet no-one will notice the half skull? Junior gave me the "tut,tut..oh, deary me" look and said, "mum, we'll just cut new bits out of thick card and that should do." Ah, silly me!! Good job someones got brains in this
house. lol

Cilla..sneaked on my bed and trying to look all innocent...Piccy taken by Junior, 'cos it wasn't me!!!

Anyway, everyone I know HE-wise seems to be VERY quiet. Maybe it's this consultation. Probably is...hope it is...or else I'm REALLY unpopular!!! Some bloggers are really good at putting their thoughts down about the very eloquently and in an uncomplicated and understandable way. (Gill and Dani & Allie especially.....I am bowing hippogriff-like here!! lol.) If I knew how to put their links on I would...but I can't so I won't). I just tend to go for the "sod it, bugger, bollox" route. There are many who will have responded, but I hope the kids' responses are listened to...not dissed because of date of birth, which some akin to lack of maturity and all that other patronising stuff. 31st July, 2007 is deadline...get your responses in. I know I am preaching to the converted...but you never know who might tune in.

Anyway..grub-wise...Junior has decided that she does now like this I mean all sorts of beans..not just the baked type (which we are going to attempt to make as they are, apparently, delicious homemade). Hurrah..(makes vegan cooking much easier!!) The farting is coming along, too:O))) Something about toilet humour that makes me titter..

We made homemade cream soda this week from a recipe off the internet. It was okish, very sweet..too sweet even for me... and we halved the suger and corn syrup in the recipe anyway.. it needs more vanilla extract we think. After that, Junior's taste has now moved onto Elderberry...not your common garden cordial...oh no...but the presse ) a mac...can't do the little flick over the last e...and i'm so old I've forgotten what you call it.


Gill said...

"Maybe if I knit a bonnet no-one will notice the half skull?"

ROFL! I love that :-)

As for the consult, my head is in a mess over it. Glad you couldn't tell!

Minnie said...

You do us Yorkshire girsl proud.

We've got the spine and ribs bit done. Put it away....high....away from canine chops!!! lol