Listened to the Five Live prog re home edding. I think Janey Lee Grace came over very well for us. Still can't figure out why they had the Scottish woman on (I am being reeeeally polite compared to what some of our fellow Scottish he'rs think of this person). Education in Scotland has been devolved, so why's she sticking her oar in? Well, they just want to stir it, again..the beeb I mean, not the lovely Scottish home edders. And the headmaster - he came over as a pompous control freak. What IS it with these people?
And, listen.....get your replies in re the consultation. You have until 31st July...otherwise home edding as we know and love it could be snookered and our kids could end up losing their personalised education.
I needed big time relaxation 'cos I knew, after the last Five Time farce, that I'd get wound up about it (don't you ever find that you have arguments with people in your know..with the people who piss you off so much? Inconveniently, they're not there when you want to give them what next best thing is to do it in the privacy of your own side is that you always win!! lol Junior sometimes asks who I'm playing hell with now? "How does she know?", I used to ask myself. But, it's a dead giveaway because, apparently, I adopt "that" look, do the silent mouthing thing and stomp about!
So, nutty mother and child toddled off to the allotment to see what was what there and if anything had survived our recent monsoon. Well, it wasn't so boggy as before (Junior did a spectacular slip last time in true smack-down style...worthy of any wrestling arena!) In terms of what's left...well..if I was in charge of the world's courgette and sweetcorn population, then they'd be extinct! Everything else, including weeds, were...damp! We harvested some stuff - photos below - and should be bouncing with health after consuming that lot. All organic. A fellow allotmenteer gave me a globe artichoke plant, which I am sooooo happy about. They make wonderful architectural plants even if you don't eat the goodies. Even Syd got some organic dandelion leaves:O)))
Baby carrots - Junior was eager - red & white onions and beetroot. The cucumber was donated by next door allotment neighbour:O)
Horse radish root - This is in the wild bit of the allotment for the creatures. If I weedkiller'd it then these would be no more..Lovely grated with a lot of grated beetroot.
Spuds straight from the ground...pity we brought so much soil home, though!!
The washed verion
Syd's dandelion leaves. When I came into the garden armed with these Spooky the cat came up to me..and Syd chased her off, 'cos the dandelion leaves were HIS!!! It was hysterically funny (not for the cat, but I imagine that she'll get her own back some way:O)
Globe artichoke baby - should grow to about 10 - 12 feet high.
See what I mean about the manky green fence?
Some orange pips we planted have sprouted!! yippee!
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