We've been doing some art and practical maths....ie; swapping furniture around and so lots of measuring with the dayglow measuring tape that we possess:O) Trying to get her to understand scale. We've been like a couple of removal men, like..as in the Chuckle Brothers..."to me, to you!". Lol Anyway, we're halfway there and I'm pooped, but the sooner we get it done the sooner I can put my feet in our foot spa:O)
Tomorrow is visit to the vet day for Olive's checkup. She is still playing like a looney...proper kitten play and she's biting things now...which she's not supposed to do!! But how do you stop a kitten from playing? Anyway, fingers crossed that her bones have stabilised and are healing and not loose like last time.
So, back to it. Odds on that this time I'm the one conked out by 8.30pm...me thinks.
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