Friday 26 March 2010


Ah, brothers.

Mine is still here..toiling away at the mountain of repairs that need doing at Chez Min.

Bless him..he toils away...gets waylaid on another 'little job'....comes back to the one he was on.....gets waylaid...again......

This time he was planing half an inch off the bottom of Junior's bedroom door so door can close:o) 'Tis a tough job doing it by hand, with saw...especially when you are getting on a bit. lol

So, he gets waylaid...again....puts a video on...needs a little rest...arm is aching from all that sawing. Awwwww. This is in Junior's room. She was busy on computer.

The video was a rallying video...Bro's hobby when a tad younger. He's loving it, of course.....explains all the bits and bobs to Junior, who's who and all that. There he is, nattering away only to turn around and find Junior......asleep:o)) lol

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