Son no 1 landed with his girlfriend and Bobby dog, who I was looking after while they went ooop north to party for the weekend. Well, it was his 21st:O) They came back yesterday to pick up Bobby and they looked....knackered! They finished partying at 4am, apparently.
The Birthday Boy, complete with silly smile!
Two of the party animals congregating around the Mac. This was pre-party!
Junior went to a cheerleading competition with her uncle and gran to watch my niece compete. Junior came back with a t-shirt. Apparently, my mother was REALLY into it, which is great, given her age:O) J would like to partake in this activity so shall have to suss out some local clubs. She's been practising doing the splits for AGES:O) Younger brother visited this weekend, too, with his kids..who on arriving promptly dissappeared upstairs to Junior's bedroom to "hang out" together:O) (Big attraction being preggy Meggy). Anyway, younger bro thinks Mum's move to hill billy land was well worth it as he thinks she looks really well.
The cheerleaders chilling out.. Gran with her two of her grandaughters:O)) She always does that on photos...pointy finger and "no, not with my hat on!"
Well, this morning Junior has her science head on and is in danger of having to be surgically removed from her microscope!! Everything she can lay her hands on has gone under it. I'm not forcing any learning here at all. This is autonomous. yay. It all started quite innocently when I mentioned that there was a lot of frost on the washing (which I'd forgotten to take off the line last night). Soo, she's been collecting samples galore and having a look. Even Popeye has donated some of his fur for scientific purposes!! She's now expressed a desire to get a new chemistry set!! Eeek.
Getting a sample yer pj' you do:O)
Assistant Popeye:O)
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