Sunday 31 July 2011

Best Read So Far

I am reading this at the mo. It's BLOODY GOOD!!! Such an enjoyable, intelligent, informative read.

Picked the book up for 20p at the local jumble!! This woman is one smart cookie. If there was a 'dream' Come Dine with Me, then this lady would be top of my list. I would fail miserably as I am nearly vegan and she definitely is not. lol She is just SO interesting and totally unfazed by the people she knows/has come in contact with and seems such a thoroughly nice lady. Her dad even knew Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ffs!!!

Two Fat Ladies was such a hoot. Such a shame it ended. Jennifer was a lovely lady, too.

My brother sent me another great read not long ago. Tom Cox 'Under the Paw'. Unless you're a cat lover, you wouldn't understand.

Liz Jones did a great piece in the Daily Mail on 30/07/11 "Won't somebody love us?". It amplifies the fact that we are NOT a nation of animal lovers. Quite the opposite. And...still... some cat loving people go out of their way to help these creatures, abandoned and ignored by us.... 'supposedly' civilised beings.

There is a tale of Jack...a stray..who was picked up by a member of the public. He had an infected eye which was being eaten by maggots. She took him to a vet who recommended putting him to sleep. The woman contacted the Celia Hammond Animal Trust. They picked the cat up straightaway. As he was brought into the clinic, the remains of his eye fell to the ground! How much pain would have that poor animal been suffering? Anyway, the CHAT vets sorted him out. Removed EVERY maggot with tweezers and flushed the wound out. Now Jack is pain free and healthy. He just needs a loving home. Isn't there anyone out there who could love and give him a loving home? A one-eyed tuxedo? (black cat with a white chest).

Apparently, black and black and white cats are the least unfashionable must unlikely to find a home and the most likely to be put to sleep....just for being unwanted. Makes my heart break. Keep telling my lot how lucky they are! lol

My landlady runs sanctuary. She has 60 cats and kittens at the mo. She was reported by a malicious neighbour the other week. So, the RSPCA came out and informed her that her animals were not well looked after.....they were PAMPERED!! And they are....SO well looked after. We're hoping to set up a charity to help all these animals. I hope people will help.

Some of the stories you hear....well....makes you wonder what the human race has come to. Kids kicking kittens about....people abandoning animals in houses. People of ALL classes are guilty. It's shameful.

So, we go along. Cuddle and play with the kittens... to help socialise them so they are easier to rehome. Some of the older mogs are sooooooooooooooooo sweet. Dear God....Wish I could take and look after them all. xx

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hi Minnie! I've just found your blog and thrilled to find another homeschooling, trying to be vegan, crafty, cat lover!
I was even more thrilled to read that you have 12 cats! We have 17 now and its so rare to hear of other homes with more than three! Anyway, shall contine to read your blog :)