Son no 1 cooked a meal for us, which was very nice. Saw my mum (courtesy of Son no 1), who made a huge fuss of us all and then Junior and I toddled on to see Son no 2, who was at his girlfriend's place. Lovely to see everyone...except I did not feel too good and, therefore, not too sociable, plus it was too hot. Not been feeling well lately so this little episode didn't help and by the time we got home, courtesy of Debs zooming up the M1 - son's maybe future MIL - I was feeling positively very ill. Orbiting head, stomach elsewhere, stiff neck, feeling sick. So, dd and I just crashed out on the sofas till morning!!
My lot posing.....and doesn't everyone have a copy of the Periodic Table on their kitchen cupboard?
Happy birthday for today, Hannah!!
Junior has been sketching fish! We were gifted a huge aquarium, which is still not occupied. Do we have fish or African land snails...or nothing? Shall have to think about this. Tropical fish would be a huge investment but good education-wise...water temps, ph, which fish get on together, blahdeblah. I would love sea horses, but they are just so specialised. Def no reptiles!!
Junior's drawings. Not bad!
We supported our local community and attended the local plant fayre today and came back laden with goodies. Plenty of plants, especially courgettes to replace those eaten by our local snails! Plus, there was the customary table top sale and we came away with carrier bags full of games (some educational!) and jigsaws. Got a pottery wheel for 50p. Guess what we'll be doing for the next few weeks!!
Plant Fayre Booty!!
Need to sort out the focus on my camera. Perhaps it would help if I read the instructions!! Note to self...go see optician.
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