Wednesday, 18 April 2007


Had a great day today. Went to the home ed meeting and the kids made onion soup and chocolate eclairs. Sunshine and blue skies. There were loads of kids at the meeting and it was so nice to see them all getting on so well. Came home and the dogs had behaved and were so happy to see us. So, we went for walkies. was time to leave for our new course......belly dancing! What exercise!! The teacher is Sooooooo good. I, of course, let myself down magnificently by creasing up with laughter for about 10 minutes, during which time my jingly scarf dropped off from around my which I piped up "Oooo, I've lost weight already!". I was laughing so much that no-one heard me, thank goodness. Next week I aim for us to dress up in the spirit of things, so if you see a mother and daughter duo jingling past you...then it's us!!

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