Monday, 30 April 2007


At last, finished the giant granny square blanket. I'm very pleased with it and so is Junior, as she's had her eye on it since day one of crocheting!! Little did she realise that I was making it for her birthday. She's a happy bunny.

Sunday, 29 April 2007


So, not being content with nearly braining myself with a Kenwood blender/liquidiser, I then proceed to find the only wooden splinter on my bedroom floor which then managed to weedle its way deep into my foot!! Ow, ow, ow!! Been hobbling around like John Wayne gone wrong. Had a soak in the bath and then, armed with teatree oil, sterilised needle and tweezers attempted to remove the bugger from my body. No success..and it's not for want of trying!! Can't get my foot near enough to my face due to a) rather large tummy getting in the way and b) aged body not being flexible enough. If I had been able to get said foot near enough to my face then I would have a) not been able to see the splinter due to rapidly deteriorating eyesight due to middle age and b) I'd have been knocked dead with the aroma of my tootsies, sex god that I am!!!

So, son no 2's mother in law "might be" was here and proceeded to dig the offending object from my foot. Did you hear me scream and tell her how much I hate her while she was carrying out the op? Needless to say, splinter has been evicted and I love Debs really. Thanks mate!! Slippers on from now on and the rug is down!! Your new car is cool, by the way.

Junior feels a little better too, is eating more and looks way happier now the asthma has eased off. She's had her birthday pressie a little early and is now engrossed in a new game on her new x-box.

Had wholemeal pancakes with banana, honey and soy yoghurt for brekkie. Yum yum. Have to say that I don't really miss eating meat and feel better for it.

I will have to go, due to Spooky the cat wanting her tea and some attention - miaow, miaow, miaow.

Friday, 27 April 2007


In an attempt to get "more things healthy" in Junior, I was reaching up today to for my liquidiser/blender, which is kept on a kitchen shelf, only for it to lend a hand and drop on my head!! Ow!!! Was seeing stars for a while. But, I did manage to make her the smoothie. Such, blummin dedication!!!

Thursday, 26 April 2007


At last and after much hinting what I'd like for my birthday (which isn't yet anyway) and downright spelling it out, I have my copy of Vegan With A Vengeance!! Bought it myself in the end...couldn't wait. So, have been curled up in bed (best place to read when it's cold) with my trusty hotwater bottle and precious new book. So many great recipes I can't wait to try. Hope Junior is hungry, 'cos I'm on with the cooking!!

Junior has been feeling ill's the dreaded asthma and we don't really know what's set her off. I think it's a combination of the weather changing and the fact that she had a bit of a cold. She's been feeling quite dreadful and really down....tearful and all that. Hopefully, now that the weather is a little fresher she'll get over it. Funny thing is that she hasn't really had it for ages, years..and it's suddenly affected her again. But, speaking to friends and family, it seems lots of people have been affected this way, so maybe it's a high pollen count that's the culprit. Shall have to get more local honey down her neck!!

Wednesday, 18 April 2007


Had a great day today. Went to the home ed meeting and the kids made onion soup and chocolate eclairs. Sunshine and blue skies. There were loads of kids at the meeting and it was so nice to see them all getting on so well. Came home and the dogs had behaved and were so happy to see us. So, we went for walkies. was time to leave for our new course......belly dancing! What exercise!! The teacher is Sooooooo good. I, of course, let myself down magnificently by creasing up with laughter for about 10 minutes, during which time my jingly scarf dropped off from around my which I piped up "Oooo, I've lost weight already!". I was laughing so much that no-one heard me, thank goodness. Next week I aim for us to dress up in the spirit of things, so if you see a mother and daughter duo jingling past you...then it's us!!

Sunday, 15 April 2007


Busy weekend. The boys and their respective partners were here. Bobby dog was pleased to see them, especially DS1, who pampered him with gifts and lots of walks. Sad that he can't have him where he is now, but once he gets sorted then Bobby dog will be winging his way down there to be reunited!!

Brother and Brother-in-Law visited, too. They helped sort out the car and jeep....just needs lots of pennies to get them on the road, so public transport it is at the mo!! It's mighty exensive, too, this public transport. It's way cheaper for me to have a car, living in hill billy land. Maybe I should get the old broomstick!!!

And......Yay!!!! got the Moonphase on...but it's in the wrong place. Ah well, shall solve that another day.