It's persisiting it down, again. The weather won't let me sort the garden and hedges out..or the leak in the garden room. Arghhhh.
We're both recovering from really bad colds and have irritating coughs, but we're Lemon and Honeying for England. lol Tena Lady is helping out, too! lol
We're decluttering while we sniff. A skip shall appear here soon and, hopefully, will help rid our house of useless clutter. We've tons of garden rubbish, stuff that can't be recycled. Anything that can will be recycled and freecycled or sent for the jumble sale (in aid of a local animal welfare place). We need space for our work. Me for the business and Junior for hers. Am fed up of the dining table not being used for dining! lol. Gives me indigestion, eating from a lap tray.
Junior is blossoming in to a beautiful young woman. She had her eyebrows (or, monobrow, as she described them! lol) shaped the other day by a beauty technician using a method new to me.. 'threading'..I think it's called that. She looks lovely. Never hardly squirmed, apparently, during her 'plucking'. I wasn't there. She went with her sis-in-law, who has all sorts of beauty therapy/treatments lined up to try. Next one is for nails. She can go for most things, except spray tanning, body piercings or tatoos! Those are banned. Junior's current beauty fad IS nails..and we have them all and all the jazz that goes with this 'hobby', including a stack of nail varnish colours. lol
Anyway, Crimble is not far off so we are on with the present hunting/designing/making. Bought my first pressie the other week....and promptly ate it (with help from others). So much for buying tins of biscuits early!
It's cold here, so it's Tomato, Basil and Bean soup for lunch to help warm up our insides:o)
Heating is on. Alas, couldn't wait until December which is when I planned to turn it on. I really do envy people who have these multi fuel burners in their homes. What I would give for one but, too expensive, as ever. Bugger!